The term 'education' is the noun form of the verb educate. It comes from the Middle English educaten; coming from the Latin term educare, educatus meaning 'bring up, rear'; linked to educere meaning 'to lead forth' or 'bring out'. The suffix 'ion' refers to a particular action or process. It could also refer to the result of the same.
What the result is, is learning. As it turns out, from the Middle Dutch leeren, Dutch leren. Is it by coincidence, nature or nurture that we have a revelation that from information, you can get to knowledge? Cogito ergo sum. This does not mean that just because you are here, you know. It must be either delivered or encouraged to be brought forth from that which has already been given.
From what we give, is what can be gleaned. Nothing given, nothing gained. The zero-sum game played here is unnerving at best. What is it that we should give? What is it that we are trying to deliver? Air, water, land, sound, sight, touch, and taste. All methods of conveyance. The receiver must be aware there is something on the way; “I sent you something, didn’t you get the tracking number?”.
My German supplier has a subtle way of delivering the tracking number for which I wait endless days, weeks, and months for consummation of the contract. Here in the instant world of the interweb thingy and Amazonian deliveries, I ponder the image of arrival. Daily I get no education from this. Perhaps weekly there comes a smidgeon of Pidgeon droppings of information bringing my level high.
To end the process of education, one needs to lack cognition. Lacking cognition means you are no longer there. Dementia proves this wrong. It’s the delivery method which must change as well as the receiver. We still orate, “pick up the phone”, “dial the number”, “tape it”, and many other phrases from the past. No referential exercise to learn this from other than the intention of language.
Intonation and visual clues lead to odd conclusions. Even in trended linguistic learning occurs on the streets of the virtual world. We need more people red pilled into the fact we are at A.C. 646! Keep your distance.
Make it eddy Edith, some movement in my Cuppa would be nice.
Mark Hull Du Calumet, First of the coterie of York, Son of Don, Scion of Karl in the House of Pfunkstadt, Connubial of Suzanne, Yeoman to the Hun of Honda, Prevailing in the Seat of Hespeler, Having been again to Australia, and now Grandad's Land, and for some, from The Dark Side. Not am Main nor ab der Elba, but down the Donau, and with Turkish Chai. #garagelurker2019, also A.C., Cee Minus.
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