The Art is not the reason, the art is the subject, not the object. There is no reason in Art. The eye, ear, or touch, takes it in and the subject is processed by the mind. Rarely do two minds process in the same way. It is a pleasure when the minds meet in the process. I smile each time.
Some art becomes obvious and immediate, and some needs to gestate in the mind. The mind’s eye must make dendritic connections before full appreciation can be achieved. Time can make the eye and brain wander, paths and courses less travelled by. Take the fork and knife your way through a piece, if you cut a similar swath as another, again smiles all around.
To watch the process can also be enjoyable. To see the effluvium entering the eye and the corners of the lips twisting in question. The apparent engulfing of visual stimuli forcing its way into the brain through ocular receptors and the resulting widening of the look. Interpretation manipulated by one’s history and growth. A smile arises as appreciation grows.
To see the detail and the big picture, in context and with understanding of the artist. To parse the paint and/or medium with the thought that there was intent. Fulfilling the mind’s need for input while straining the range of understanding. This exercise feeds your thoughts and nourishes the cognizance of the world as it is. A smile reflects both appreciation and pleasure.
As patron to doner, as plaster moves through clay to oil, the where and the what become less important. The message received through perception, different for each body, is that which has the import to move. True sight, tactile reception, and aural connectivity draws the interest clearer and with insight. Whence the body reacts with a smile, appreciation has been reached.
I smiled and saw smiles a lot then.
Smash me with a splash of sugar in my Joe today, Sally.
Mark Hull Du Calumet, First of the coterie of York, Son of Don, Scion of Karl in the House of Pfunkstadt, Connubial of Suzanne, Yeoman to the Hun of Honda, Prevailing in the Seat of Hespeler, Having been again to Australia, and now Grandad's Land, and for some, from The Dark Side. Not am Main nor ab der Elba, but down the Donau, and with Turkish Chai. #garagelurker2019, also A.C., Cee Minus.
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