Firstly, fraternize flat-out with the friendlies. Flesh out some feasting, then follow-up with gum flapping. Avoid the three no nos’: Politics, religion, and sex. Fear and loathing will only follow. Do not fast as the host or hostess will take offence.
Doth thou ever do any of this? We have all fallen for the begged question and inuendo of the wry. Whilst one can abstain from the event, that too becomes a snub. Enter with a smiling face, hug and greet all equally. And to this point you are safe with my direction. Me on the other hand, will break all of the aforementioned rules on etiquette.
That which you are not familiar with will make you stronger, unless of course it is another metal and not your mettle. Water and oil can go together as long as they have a binder. No clasp un opened, no button unzipped. Purse those lips and smile as a Biel. As you can.
Enjoy the surrounds as the world is outside and that which is distant can seem closer through a mirror. The curvature of the world can be sensed in under 50 miles. Observe the nature of the world as well as nature in the world. Naturally lean to those that smile, and aver your enchantment with the company at hand.
Dwelling can be old and it can be a structure. Move along and brighten the world with positions of familiarity. Brighten the world with a return smile and don’t worry about that sneer you suppress with your upper lip. Keep it stifled and note the source. Back pockets are for secrets and pocket knives.
Darts and daggers are for warfare while butter knives and arrows are for congenial encounters of celebration and festivity. Dine and chat, smile and nod, sometimes you will learn more for listening than opining.
We all have these times when we would like to be elsewhere yet we don’t want to miss something. Interest will always get your ewe or nannie. Resilience and understanding are trails we suppress but are solid within ourselves. Trust in strengths, and don’t show your weakness to those who don’t understand.
Oh, and by the way, never preach like this to the great unwashed. I just tried for my own self gratification.
Double shot today, Sheila, strong like the will.
Mark Hull Du Calumet, First of the coterie of York, Son of Don, Scion of Karl in the House of Pfunkstadt, Connubial of Suzanne, Yeoman to the Hun of Honda, Prevailing in the Seat of Hespeler, Having been again to Australia, and now Grandad's Land, and for some, from The Dark Side. Not am Main nor ab der Elba, but down the Donau, and with Turkish Chai. #garagelurker2019, also A.C., Cee Minus.
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