You ask and hitherto consider yourself denied. Regulations are not laws of neither physics or moralities. Something Hume might had heard or heralded. Aske your self not what your mask can do for you, but what others can do for your mask.
Askew is neither off nor abhorrent. Altered is both odd and obvious. Asunder is not bold or bright. Abhorrent is not a Karen state of mind. Can you consider the confines of Covid consternation? Abolitionists came from Ambrosia seeking truth through the abyss of information.
Asinine asking for an abyss to burst while claiming ailments of asthmatic proportions will not wash. Wear what you swear. Smile inside your wearage, I cannot breathe my fumaric waste any more than the last person to die of cleaner air. I exhale at solar temperatures and my visual aids steam up instantly; hence I don’t read anything inside. Not using my outside vision.
Obviosity of obfuscated messages be damned. Laser guided by past visitations gets me around said domiciles or distinguishing detours. That French Contractor gets all the jobs! If I touch your touche, it could be my territory or tract. No trash here. I surmise my blindness is as common as a commoner in a commune.
Up sided, downsizing assists us all in indebtedness. We get the tea so we pay the Man. Bostonians included. Balderdash pushes social media to the brink of irrelevance. Lest we dispute the silly and ignore the mania, we may ourselves become part of the nonsensical solutions.
Are we really in new times? Are we destined to facialize for a fortnight more? Will the second nothing engender us to become perciod? Schooling through such that it is?
Shorter is better Sheila, make it black.
Mark Hull Du Calumet, First of the coterie of York, Son of Don, Scion of Karl in the House of Pfunkstadt, Connubial of Suzanne, Yeoman to the Hun of Honda, Prevailing in the Seat of Hespeler, Having been again to Australia, and now Grandad's Land, and for some, from The Dark Side. Not am Main nor ab der Elba, but down the Donau, and with Turkish Chai. #garagelurker2019, also A.C
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