Sos’a we all know my opining is off the charts at times. My issue in these chronic Corona times is with the graphs and charts people find, create, source, or further. Data is Dangerous without understanding. Numbers are nasty if you the source or the reason is nefarious.
People assume that if “WHO” or “John” Hopkins” is somewhere on a chart, that the said depiction is accurate and defendable. Au Contraire mon ami! The use of an accredited source simply stuck on some information does not always accredit the information. Information can be acquired from a source then manipulated to the user’s delight.
There are numbers, then there are numbers. On one extreme you have the naysayers, and on the other extreme you have the Vox Populi telling you the sky is falling. What we don’t have are coherent, thought out informative numbers breaking down infection by socio-economic strata, age breakdowns, delineation by income and country, guided statistics by travel habits and travel destinations, information based on health systems and availability of health services. Cumulative data based on education and occupation.
Those and others are useful breakdowns. Raw numbers are useless at worst, and dangerous at best. In the beginning we all wanted the numbers, or at least the “media” called for them. Given said numbers they all went off and either called foul or pheasant. None of which had any import on behavior or informing.
One would hope that in the end, we will get the proper analysis, probably from some Grad student who will write a Thesis which after peer review will be stuck in a Journal and never read again. Sadly, this is how information is digested. Moronically, this is how “The Media” and “People” will regale and revel in the aftermath.
I have used one mantra in my existence through these times. FATTOM.
All micro organisms need these to exist and procreate. They require a Food source, They require the proper Acidity. They Require the requisite Time and Temperature for existence. They will all require some form or limit of Oxygen, and finally they will need some limit of Moisture.
Make your existence aware of their necessities and you can keep your sanity for another day. Live by this and you will be safe in my humble opinion.
I like the pour to be hot Harriet, Pour fast and stop clean.
Mark Hull Du Calumet, First of the coterie of York, Son of Don, Scion of Karl in the House of Pfunkstadt, Connubial of Suzanne, Yeoman to the Hun of Honda, Prevailing in the Seat of Hespeler, Having been again to Australia, and now Grandad's Land, and for some, from The Dark Side. Not am Main nor ab der Elba, but down the Donau, and with Turkish Chai. #garagelurker2019, also A.C
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