So, there are these people I know of, read carefully now, who will be standing near a large ring of stones. Catch an eye as they spy through about why, but not the ex. No axes here.
Its that semi annual date when we rue the changes. Long to short, short to long, almost my old party line ring; long, short, long. The times are after all. We long wait for the shorter days to end and are too short on the long days of summer it seems. Some grass is always out of reach. Of course, not in the nation state of good ole Canada. The grass always seems to be available.
So not only the Nazca lines align, so do other monoliths and arranged clods of colossuses on the orb. Only tinker tales and toils of waiting and watching, noting and denoting brought these formations forth. Too few have seen them and too few are aware. But alignment is not only for the mechanics. Even the stationary and non-stationary time pieces require proper alignment.
But does the Henge mark time, or only THE time? Are there marching orders rising from beneath the great and lesser pyramids? Will the meek inherit the orb, or will some rise out of the miasma and show us light not seen in the past. Thinking only proves you have thought. My good buddy Descartes.
But on this very long dark and not so stormy night I will and always will stare up into the vacuum of space and wonder what I would do when the opposite holds its truth. Summer is the other. Shorter comest with patience. Another kind of oxymoron really; because of you wait long enough it will become shorter.
Perhaps this is where the translation from “still” becomes “silent” in that carol. Silent Night. In German its Stille Nacht. I know what you are thinking. But let us look at the etymology of the word “still”. May be harder for some, but I have the OED complete with the 240,000 spurious words listing.
“Still” originates from the low German and high Dutch word “Stille”. From the root “Stel” to put, or to stand. Not in motion. So, here is why we both sing Silent Night at this time of year as well as the reason for using the word “Silent” rather than “Still”. The sun at the solstices appears not to move higher or lower in the sky as it is reaching its highest point and/or lowest point. Hence it appears to be still. The slip to “Silent” occurs for two reasons. One, the musical cadence requires two syllables. And two, the deeper High German meaning of “Stel”, the origin of “Stille” has a secondary meaning of silent.
The song at Christmas is sung as an homage to the solstice. About and near when the recognized birth of Christ occurred. Save it to say, that if you are of the ilk that you have no place to stay, and you are overnighting in barns and hovels, your calendar work is probably a little fuzzy. The solstice is the time I believe.
Curl that coffee with some cheer Charmaine.
Mark Hull Du Calumet, First of the coterie of York, Son of Don, Scion of Karl in the House of Pfunkstadt, Connubial of Suzanne, Yeoman to the Hun of Honda, Prevailing in the Seat of Hespeler, Having been again to Australia, and now Grandad's Land, and for some, from The Dark Side. Not am Main nor ab der Elba, but down the Donau, and with Turkish Chai. #garagelurker2019
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