Bludgers are everywhere these days. Seek them out? Out seeking them? They are sought out. These are the terms you need to be aware of as and English confabulator. Reek, reeking, wrought? One would have thought, but no it is nought correct. Or better yet, you have nought correct.
Are you naughty then? Or a bacon buster? Have you seen and been to the scene where it goes wrong? So now that used to be an honest 454 its now either 300, 375, or 500. With out the mathemagical mystery tour, you too can be un-baconed. Yeppers, as you know I can, I ran the numbers.
A pound of the pavement weighs the same as a pound of the buttered yams, battered and beaten mushrooms, or even the unleavened feather bed. 454 grams is the equivalent in the Celsius scale. Chew know what I mean mang.
So, for 6 and 99 you can buy, 300/12, 375/18, 454/20, or 500/20. Reading is not a skill set partaken by the unwashed. Not that they haven’t opted for the ASL version of my blog. You tell me the bitter truth of the better buy!
Sweet smoked, hickory smoked, maple infused, salt reduced, “light” (but not lean), Salty smoked, dry smoked, wood smoked, but no speed smoked. How heavy is salt compared to fat or protein or smoke? Which is heavier per pound? Answer me that. They all go up, but only one as smoke.
So respectively, you pay 58 cents for a 25 gram slice, or you pay 38 cents for a 20 gram slice, or you pay 35 cents for a 22 gram slice, or you pay 34 cents for a 25 gram slice. Do we have you confused yet? Same swine for sure. How could one picked pork belly be better than another?
And once you fry the grams out of these, there is probably only about 3 grams left. Conclusion, eat them smoked and not fried.
Look at your grammage and not my grammar. There used to be one size fits all. Ok yeah you can sift through the bin to find what looks like a meatier package. 3 slices in, the meat changes to fat. Bacon is a gamble, that’s half of why guys like it. Some fool marking guru thought they would change the package size, slice thickness, and method of production. Basically, bought themselves a job.
Now, with sales still in the “gut”ter, (get it?) they belly ache about the belly sales. Pack’em in 454’s like they should be, slice em the same, you will sell more. Package faster, cheaper, easier. We just like bacon.
The introductory meat for Vegans and Lactos.
Make it the French way Francine, I’ll have a Continental.
Mark Hull Du Calumet, First of the coterie of York, Son of Don, Scion of Karl in the House of Pfunkstadt, Connubial of Suzanne, Yeoman to the Hun of Honda, Prevailing in the Seat of Hespeler, Having been again to Australia, and now Grandad's Land, and for some, from The Dark Side. Not am Main nor ab der Elba, but down the Donau, and with Turkish Chai.
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