The course of pouring did not include cement. I can make a Java do anything, but it’s not cement. Trials turned into tribulations as trivial tests took a bend. Egress and ingress made easy now, no lemon squeezy.
With the Fall of the year nigh, the spread needs some tending and turning. Too much neglect building, biking and batting over the summer. Weather, whether or not you agree, rules the roost along with any and all sundry roosters you might have roosting in your roof. Pull a nice 15 on the metric weather maps and you will be out for sure. Well, as long is that big yellow orb hovers o’er you all.
You might not know that “o’er” comes up as a correct work using the American spell check but “un’er” don’t. So iffin’ you were at the ponies and asked what was the o’er and un’er on Canchaseebeyond in the 4th, what would your response be? “You are a dunderhead? Or, Seven to one against?”
Grip though as I may, there was little of the lighter front end skidding as I backed down the slip into the slide garage. Tomorrow, reeding on the Alto, I just might pull out a bit of the slide whistle as an accompaniment. Latest is “When the Saints…” love that E phlat.
Flat is by no means what the parkway turns out to be. We after all have an 18% grade on the most part of the way, (read driveway not parkway but I mean parkway not driveway). Now with the nice besom finish, grip is to be taken not had. On the Hz not the Vt.
The Garnering is that time of year we find ourselves in. The only thing I tend to garner are the fibrous effluence of sundry topiary. To the curb I say. Off with them. Onto the reaching. Off with you curs and curbs. Or of to you. Again, never end a sentence in a preposition or another crime.
Pour it like you can Celeste, Coffee cost more than the ‘crete per ounce.
Mark Hull Du Calumet, First of the coterie of York, Son of Don, Scion of Karl in the House of Pfunkstadt, Connubial of Suzanne, Yeoman to the Hun of Honda, Prevailing in the Seat of Hespeler, Having been again to Australia, and now Grandad's Land, and for some, from The Dark Side. Not am Main nor ab der Elba, but down the Donau, and with Turkish Chai.
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