If ever you neve need to know that which is unknown, then don’t. USPS or anything other than the UP Service. In My Opinion these “people” need to take a read form the basic customer service booklette. The “ette” because I’sa knows that the whole enchilada would be way too verbose for such weenies.
40 bucks is too dangerous for them to carry. But alas they do not carry mobile Chargex machines either! On no!. Your neighbourhood may be too dangerous for their ilk. Oh yeah, I am in downtown while bread Splitlip nowhere. Waaaay to verifiable for those shorts clad weenies!
And now for the pies de resistance! They conjure up usury for delivery. 24 bucks for a vintage Tee outa The Big Apple. 25 bucks for delivery. And get this, 40 bucks for brokerage fees! Whatttttttttttttttttttttttttt????????????
So I get a vintage Tee for another 80% interest charged for uhh….errr.. I don’t know. They claim it comes to the brokerage, read, the Ups people reading the outside of the package and “valuing it as the number claimed on the outside. Oh and they claim the Value includes the shipping. So now I pay HST GST PST ABC, PCB and all the other alphabet soup on each other and the shipping which is already charged by the Ups syndicate.
So better than the government , they tax the tax which was taxed on purchase and paid tax on already claiming the tax was apportioned on the unpaid paid portion in apportionment of the accordant by laws. Yup, hold on let me bend over. I breathe better that way. With my cranium up my anus.
So not only do the pretty boys in brown not take cash at your door, their depots don’t take cash. So I a’wanna be the account rep who gloms onto the sales bonus for those bozzoi who have to pay for allllllll their Cash On Hand as a business.
So their dolla is only worth say 96 cents. ( after the creditage) No wonder they have to charge usury rates for brokerage.
Oh yeah one better. If I had have had the item sent via a more expensive route ie, air: there would not be any brokerage fees!
Yup, spend less get more screw down on the up wards.
Peed again. Never request or send via themsa.
Get me a strong pull Paulette. Amber, not Brown.
Mark Hull Du Calumet, First of the coterie of York, Son of Don, Scion of Karl in the House of Pfunkstadt, Connubial of Suzanne, Yeoman to the Hun of Honda, Prevailing in the Seat of Hespeler, Having been again to Australia, and now Grandad's Land, and for some, from The Dark Side. Not am Main nor ab der Elba, but down the Donau, and with Turkish Chai.
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