And to ponder your plutocracy closer to my pleasing you might take a moment, to bring me another Java, Joel, this I gonna be a long day.
And iffin’ I were the Philosopher of San Souci ) Alexander the Great) with holdings from the Adriatic to the Indus River. Would I be happy at that point? Nopers. The season is nigh over for the Jays as my darling and I made much too meager a showing at the games this year. Hadda’ been the Bambino instead of Joey Batts tossing out taters, we mighta’ gone more.
Injury after injury, Whiner after Wendy. We need a stalwart Sultan of Swat of our own with a body of steel. As the Bard of Avon might have penned, Art thou worthy of my favours, or art thou a scourge on nature itself? We hear the owners of said club announcing new technologies, huge ad campaigns, then stare blankly at the fan as they claim poverty. Then they buy up some new company with found money.
If only we had the draw of the Papal City. Crowds amass for no apparent reason other than reputation. Ours alas is stagnant and old in the day 24 hour new cycle its been more than a bakers 13 in years, no reputation alive.
I am sure those from my Alma Mater will dispute the mathematical mathemagica of the numbers. But the Boys of summer couldn’t add well this year. Old Nick is in the details. You need both offence and defense, working in concert as a well-oiled machine. Ya gotta hit when you are tossing.
Had we been in the Sport of Kings we would be the long-shot nag in the 12th position who didn’t get her oats on race day. We had a good showing to the half but couldn’t get enough out of an empty stomach to finish the job.
We need these sods to muscle back on the Staff of Life and forge ahead. I broke my pinky now I am out for three months? Don’t we all wish that luxury. No Ocean Greyhound playground here. No room for ninnies in this game. We need the Seagreen Incorruptible to run this organization. Someone with principles. Stand up to the committee of committees and state the cause simply. I will fill those seats if you give me the money.
Deep pockets are not that which they don’t have. Remunerate the runner, the seats will be covered in asses.
If you think this is mere persiflage take note of the great sports complexes in recent history. All “empires” require resolve, and unquestioning loyalty. Take the hundred year empire of the Umayyad Caliphate, or the New York Yankees. Single person ownership with a desire to win, and the fan backing which follows to this day.
Winners are not losers. Slip a little French Roast in my cup Pierre, I need a strong one this morning.
Mark Hull Du Calumet, First of the coterie of York, Son of Don, Scion of Karl in the House of Pfunkstadt, Connubial of Suzanne, Yeoman to the Hun of Honda, Prevailing in the Seat of Hespeler, Having been again to Australia, and now Grandad's Land, and for some, from The Dark Side. Not am Main nor ab der Elba, but down the Donau, and with Turkish Chai.
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