On my bottom, my men’s medium is now my men’s small. The women’s 10 is now a 12, nobody ever wore a 0 before, and fewer socks are available to me wearing a size 9 shoe. Now shirts are different; my men’s medium is now a large. So let me check out the numbers, a Cuz’in of da way you like me to do dat.
Vanity sizing is one thing where, “in 1937 a size 14 dress had a bust size of 32 inches (81 cm). In 1967, the same bust size was a size 8. In 2011, it was a size 0”. So much for the Incredible Shrinking Whoa’ Man. Where have all the prizes gone? Long time wearing? Well let’s take the socioeconomic POV for a minute. Studies have found, “expensive brands tended to be smaller than those from cheaper brands”.
Which is a good thing I think. Those who are more needy, get more for their buck. A truly humanitarian, anti-Atlas Shrugged marketing ploy. However, Ole Sam Walton and his cadre are paying more on freight for those with more freight to carry. One feeble mouthed clothing executive stated, “A manufacturing tolerance is given to factories which they are required to adhere to, while allowing for some flexibility during the production process. This can result in a slight variance in the measurements of the finished goods”. Knowing that this means “offshore” manufacturers is basically vituperation about their own contract suppliers covering for ineptitude and sub-menial pay rates.
Nope let me slip into my Cuppa Joe shop and continue to order my small but medium large black coffee, whaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttt, STOP RIGHT THERE! Ever one of our own has succumbed to gallonage gaffs. Yep I used to order a Medium Black Coffee, now it’s a Small. Even in the Schmuckerette shop I get a Small for a Tall!
Now in the Brogan-sphere, my size has not changed. Noticeably. While a EEE 9 used to be the norm, an 8 ½ is more the norm now. Now they do say that your bones shrink when you get older, maybe it starts at the bottom? On the other foot, an Elected, Equal, and Effective Nine might get the pennant if not the Series, unlike the northern Blue Birds…
BITD the average family sedan came with 15 or 16 inch wheels. Smaller cars nowadays, bigger wheels, some have 19 or 21 inchers. Is that penile envy?
What was that you said about size?
Don’t splash the linen Lily, pour my Java smooth.
Mark Hull Du Calumet, First of the coterie of York, Son of Don, Scion of Karl in the House of Pfunkstadt, Connubial of Suzanne, Yeoman to the Hun of Honda, Prevailing in the Seat of Hespeler, Having been again to Australia, and now Grandad's Land, and for some, from The Dark Side. Not am Main nor ab der Elba, but down the Donau.
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