Peter never stood in a mob serried or otherwise. The sun beating down like a hammer on the anvil in a heat wave. Pools busy amid stridently languishing bodies pulped to the beat of a new age wave. The pan piped with H2O steaming off gallons of hydration from the plant and animal matters.
We coffee and curry ourselves off to work where other hot countries have siestas in that time of day and when danger abounds. Is it our British mad dog mentality which warrants our work in the stink in hot days? Air conditioning? Whose vernacular is that we use for the depletion of heat in a small environment? It is as if the air were ill with coolness. Not merely absent of heat. Houses occupy space in which we remove the heat destined for that space and time to be shunted outside for the less than cool to become more than hot.
The skin of the earth heats and cools as the seasons wax and wane through our lives. Why do we not cook on the heat disposed of, or store it till winter? Energy should be savoured and saved. There is no crisis in energy, merely mismanagement.
We could all have sequipedalian walls and still blow off more fossil fuel than an old eastern bloc resident. We are beings of consumption. We need to occupy so much of our time because we are led to believe we need so much. I prefer the penumbra of cover and the air of the exterior. Grow bigger trees and more of them. Oh yeah we can get back the curse of curbs in our parking lots and the futility of spinning tires, but my discussion today relates not to this idiocy, but to the loathsome dipsomania we have with AC. Not the current type but the current topic.
The displacement of heat must be the most inefficient thingy we do. Cold, like energy, cannot be created. It is merely changed from one form to another. Get me a prodigious Jacaranda tree and a wisp of wind and I am good for the imbibition of the nectar of the Gods or even a nice cool one. The thin layer we live in on the surface of this orb has nary enough space for what we are. Now we insist on taking that which is inside constructed parts on the surface, and pushing all that we don’t like outside. Again we exist for the prurience of desire rather than the grind of reason.
Get me a Java Joey, and make it hot!
Mark Hull Du Calumet, First of the coterie of York, Son of Don, Scion of Karl in the House of Pfunkstadt, Connubial of Suzanne, Yeoman to the Hun of Honda, Prevailing in the Seat of Hespeler, Having been again to Australia, and now Grandad's Land.
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