There are no problems, only opportunities. The three stacked up against the ten past and was here. Just like Trooper’s 3 Dressed Up As A Nine who were there as well. Not to diminish those who were in absentia, but you can tell spring is here at Dover when there are more Loonies than Toonies.
What this town needs on Friday of triskaidekaphilia day is more jamming. Not the tight kind a cuzin’ we all know there are a lot of bikes jammed in already. It’s the melodic form. Just love that Beal Street feel of a cacophony of sounds mixing and melding for an atmospheric mosaic defining and event or place.
Where are the pro- and non-pro musical buskers playin’ Arlo Guthrie protest and social commentary songs? Where is Bobby the Dylan man doing a freebie for the freedom of the masses? Where is wailing Waylon jostling up a lil Jennings magic for the mob? Music is the statement and celebration. Nothing wrong with the organized concerts on hand and the outdoor nature of it all. What I want is a lil casual, a bit of spontaneity, as smattering of difference engines putting it to the place.
I get the tiny overpowered speakers of some guys bach, apartment screaming out some un known Black Sabbath album. Or some screechy undirected single side speaker of the stereo out-put spewed onto the streets from his window. Then the muffled musing coming from inside the closed doors of the local watering spot.
I wanna see those strings stretched, that skin slapped, and those horns honked on. I need a lil Chicago at 25 or 6 to Four. Then I know its time to get ready to depart. There are so many good rockin’ tonite types which ‘a coulda’ made the heavy street metal ramp us up a little more mettle of our own.
In the end, and the day after I picked and prodded up a new piece of machinery myself. It hauls like it means it.
Coffee on the iron.
Mark Hull Du Calumet, First of the coterie of York, Son of Don, Scion of Karl in the House of Pfunkstadt, Connubial of Suzanne, Yeoman to the Hun of Honda, Prevailing in the Seat of Hespeler, Having been again to Australia, and now Grandad's Land.
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