There are certainties in the world we assume, not like a mortgage, and even assumable mortgages are hard to find. True certainty only arrives at the end of something. Any process within it operating range, inherently had error or uncertainty built within itself. “it’s not over till it’s over”, and “It aint over till the fat lady sings”, “If you are hiding, don't light a fire”.
Oh well the last one is an interpretive saying relating to the underlying theme of this week’s rant. Here in the fair central Canadian province of Ontario is a premier who doesn’t care. Never has. “there will be no tax increases”. First thing he does is impose a health tax on every working stiff in the province of over $300 per year. He surely must have retched over his own breath after that one.
Several other changes of heart later, (read as you like) he now is hungry for more and more money and larger and larger government. HST. Almost as in-nocuous as the health tax. “Progressive”, “Forward thinking”, “Thievery”, oops, I mean “People Friendly”. We ll let me explain a few of these.
Progressive - For our Premier to progress to his desire of every last reasoning human in the province to be working for him, he needs to balloon the provincial government workforce to unheard of levels so that when he is booted from office in the next election, he can have a better shot at getting back after the successive government makes huge cuts to the public service. He will look like Robin Hood. Rescuing the poor over paid under worked ex-civil servants from the unemployment lines.
The real work of governing will have to entail stripping the excessive fat from the government workforce a’cuz the good ole Liberalés have festooned the various ministries with so many comrades in employ. They will be again blamed for tearing the fabric of this province apart. 6 years from now the present leadership will claim moral and oral bankruptcy of the government, will rally the unreasoning, mobilize the uneducated into voting the lying Liberalés back into the seats.
Progressive to them means they can get back in office some day for this offal they are foisting upon us.
Forward thinking - Only means one thing; they have blinders on. This is the definition of forward thinking. Like a race horse not being able to see sideways as they may become distracted by something like REALITY! No jockey wants their horse to become scared because there are other more viable, better, smarter, faster horses coming up alongside. Of course there are alternatives. But our Premier only wants one thing, to someday get re-elected. Maybe not this round, but as previously stated, after the alternative cuts the Unholy, Overblown, Fatty, Stuffed, Bloated, Paper Pushing, Civil Service, the next time the Liberalés run they will simply point to the Unionized workers who had been let go and Voila! They will get back in office.
People Friendly - Of course they are friendly. Its always easier to rob someone if you are on the inside! Ever read that book about the diamond heist? The largest heist in history? $400 Million in mostly uncut diamonds. The guy was a resident and had an office in the same building from which he pilfered. So yes, the Liberalés wanna be close to you. In your own house if they could. With this tax they are now inside your house on everything. Before only most things. Now they can tell you that you should be thankful to them for, ABSOULUTELY EVERYTHING!
Haberdashery Sewing Troop anyone? Well, it makes as much sense as the HST.
Mark Hull Du Calumet, First of the coterie of York, Son of Don, Scion of Karl in the House of Pfunkstadt, Connubial of Suzanne, Yeoman to the Hun of Honda, Prevailing in the Seat of Hespeler , Having been again to Australia
This is all well and good except that
there is a flaw that can be spotted when comparing the plight of the
NDP in the years following their similar shenanigans. The NDP never
have come even close to the number of votes necessary to form a
serious element of provincial parliament since their rummage through
the public purse.
I believe that there are enough not-so-dumb voters who will remember for as long as it relegate les Liberalés to the same status as the Ontario NDP party.
What is left for us then? For those who can't bring themselves to vote Conservative there will be the Green party or the plethora of minuscule faction parties that exist or will spring up in the political wasteland left after this election. Our provincial government will start to resemble the Italian Parliament of the 90s with the same efficacy and election frequency.Posted by: Kevin | 05/07/2010 at 09:08 AM