Not trash talkin’ either. When you miss Garbage day and you stroll your sac across the road to the un-picked-up side of the road you are littering. If you deposit any garbage anywhere but on your curb side, it is considered littering.
They encourage us to double up our trash so’s as to put ours beside our neighbour’s on the curb. Who will they count bags? They claim this will reduce stops by two. Well as always the governments are only wishing to be perceived as green. Why don't they encourage us to walk 15 more feet and for every four houses just deposit our trash in a pile in the middle of the road. Now we would reduce our stops by 4! Now that’s what I call reduction.
Again we fail to gather the real import of reduction. Faceous lookeous. Just white washing. No real meat on the bone of reducing, recycling or re-using. We haul more weight in truck than we haul in trash. Where is Aluminum? Seriously, if we just had large low alloy dump trucks without all the squishing and mashing stuff, we could go to the big pile the same number of times and hot have to haul all the machinery and mayhem for the squishing and squeezing parts.
After all, Fuel is probably one of the largest factors in Operations for the Trash heap after wages and capital expenditures. So as we can load and stuff our light alloy truck faster, then our wages will be less. Because we are hauling less weight, our fuel costs will be lower. With a much simpler lighter truck, our capital expenditures will be lower.
Which part of this equation passes by our Municipal, Regional, Provincial, and Federal Representatives? We are not stupid. Red tape and paper pushing is.
Lets all pack it in. Or across the road.
Mark Hull Du Calumet, first of the coterie of York, Son of Don, Scion of Karl in the House of Pfunkstadt, Connubial of Suzanne, Yeoman to the Hun of Honda, Prevailing in the Seat of Hespeler
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