statement (Obama’s) was followed by pledges from China and India to reduce
their energy intensity by 40-45 percent and
20-25 percent, respectively, by 2020. South Africa then announced it would
reduce its emissions below projections by 2020 by 34 percent, and pledged to
ensure its absolute emissions peak and plateau would occur between 2020 and
2025 – the first such commitment by a major developing nation.”
Lets dissect the non-statements made by the leading
pouters in the world. China and India
would reduce their “energy intensity”. Energy
intensity? As in energy intense
industry? So they will.....have more
slave labour intensive industry and less mechanized and fuel using
industry? Or will they just have the same
industry just not be as intense and intent on putting the rest of the world out
of a job. So they will only supply Sam
W. With a half billion poorly made widgets instead of a billion? So the price will go up on all poorly made
A very cagey response to our Lord and Saviour Barak’s
enlisting. Perhaps next time he can put
some preasure on these corrupt institutions and say, "If you don’t put in equal consumer rights and
protections, equal employees rights and protections, equal intellectual rights and protections,
equal health care rights and protections, and an equal standard of living, then
we are going to ban your widgets." Ohhh no...
that would be cruel ...... to the people.
I’ve had it. These people
now are the largest privately owned industrialists in the world. It’s no longer just the governments who are
skating on the backs of the poor over there.
The people are now the government.
There are just as many corrupt government and private institutions producing
and proffering poorly made, race to the bottom of the lowest common denominator
items. I don't care who makes it.
Then they come up with a strategically meaningless
statement like that. Only would the Enviro-Weenies
accept that as a truism. They lie. Period.
Energy intensity?
Next statement.
South Africa is lowering their expectations below projections for 2020! What? So
all they likely have been doing is saying its a bad state of affairs here in
South Africa. We need free outside money
to make the place better. Here is a
number, see how bad it is? They have no
clue what their output or usage will be in 2020. No clue probably what it has been. So they now say they will reduce below
projections? They don't have a clue
what their projected emissions will be! Another
watermelon seed spit into the wind and accepted as a truism by the weenies!
The goals of the conference from their web site.
“1. How much are the industrialized countries willing to
reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases?
2. How much are major developing countries such as China and India willing to
do to limit the growth of their emissions?
3. How is the help needed by developing countries to engage in reducing their
emissions and adapting to the impacts of climate change going to be financed?
4. How is that money going to be managed?”
Why is it that we who are already struggling, have
capped usage, traded volumes, twisty bulbed our houses, tuned our cars, downsized everything, LED’d our
Christmas, had Staycations, and we still have to reduce our emissioins.
But those who use dirty coal, slave labour, bad environmental
practices, no controls, only have to reduce how much their emissions will grow?
Only in a conference like this could one talk about money
and it not be inherently stated that the management of that money is implicit
with the money giving of it.
Weasely words from a conference which should have been
net based and not based on thousands of people flying all over hells half acre
along with their trail of reporters, protestors, and hangers on, wives and concubines. The energy wasted and emissions created from
this one conference will be equal to that of one of these developing countries for a year.
Again. Give every
household 20 grand to put in solar panels to generate electricity and you will
grow a huge enviro-industry, save the emissions, and go green all in one act.
No three act play here.
Mark Hull Du Calumet, first of the coterie of York, Son
of Don, Scion of Karl in the House of Pfunkstadt, Connubial of Suzanne, Yeoman
to the Hun of Honda, Prevailing in the Seat of Hespeler
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