This is a contest. You must respond to win. Read instructions at the bottom of this post.
Errol Flynn looked like me when I was breaching out of the inveterate Quarter Century Club. Time passes, and off goes his good looks. I, on the other hand have matured like a fine wine. Better aroma, sweeter disposition, and no after taste.
In dispute today is that which a new member of the caffeinated clutch of this coterie purports. I, on one hand can relate all things past and present to the aforementioned cinematic exercise known as Ferris Beuler’s Day Off. Mr. Jones, not Mrs. Jones’, of that famous song’s husband, but that of the principal fame in said movie is a ringer.
The other can only be described as a distant rebirth of neanderthalic heraldry with only mere and minuscule making of a likeness. Your pick can sway me. But not sway me unless I am on the swing of mental gymnastics and ready for your gentle but not genteel push to the other side. I caution you my reasoning on this is concise, contrite, and conscious. While the poll below will tally, you must rally. Your troops or troupes. All is possible in a wisp if the willows.
The all knowing amongst us have fewer and fewer rantings to succumb to. This forum is the one which has the pulse of the interweb thingy as well as that of the masses. My wrist bound time piece acutely sensing each beat of the heart of the matter. What could possibly be the matter without the General Theory of Relativity governing your motion. With wire and ethereal transmissions now being legally monitored by the hosts of your Ip.
Ip? The new Canadian/Latvian dictionary defines this as that body or bodies which provide a portal to the New World. Brave or Cowering. How is it that I can parse Alvin Toffler into two nearly back to back posts without losing stride? It’s akin to being able to define a system from within. Mathematically impossible, but with fuzzy logic dancing ions through the copper, microwave, and glass tubed media allows my interregnum in logic to be realized.
After all, the theists have been engaging in the “Leap of Faith for millennia.
So briefly below.
You will see three new pictures in my ENORMOUS library of photos. One the
. Two is
. Three is
. Simply vote for which SUSPECT resembles the
PERSON OF INTERST the most. As always there are fabulous prizes. Check frequently and tell your friends.
Mark Hull Du Calumet, first of the coterie of York, Son of Don, Scion of Karl in the House of Pfunkstadt, Connubial of Suzanne, Yeoman to the Hun of Honda, Prevailing in the Seat of Hespeler.
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