While there is little more in life than trained dogs and clever ponies, one has to wonder how such issues are handled in the coffeehouses and boardrooms of the nation, nay the universe? The question of: Who the F@#$ is Alice? of, Where have all the flowers gone? of, How many pennies are in the fountain? of, Oh when will it ever end?
Initially ones thoughts run to the urn; 165 degrees of contemplative thought processes in a vessel. Now don't go running off at the mouth with me, I KNOW it has to be brewed at 196 to 204, but the keeping thereof is a sight bit lower. With Joe in hand, now the cranial part of the mortal protoplasmic carcass you call yourself, can get to work on the answers.
Now your committee or boardroom buddies may not subscribe to imbibe. This is the point at which you Duck them onto a gurney and start the IV. After all, there arises nary a scenario when the ole Duck isn’t fashionable. And this becomes a natural way to transmogrify those Tea Pee drinkers over to the obviality of coffee. And I use the aforementioned referent for the royal beverage only to reinforce the presence of anthropomorphic urine on the leaves. Uhhhhhh.........no. I’ll take a pass thanx!
I say fortitude before fastidiousness. Well actually I never say fastidiousness is a good attribute in the boardroom. Been there done that. The last thing I need is a codger cramming up the commerce with a lot of waste matter secretion beverages conjuring how else we can phrase the question. They are the bureaucratic equivalent of flatulence. Gaseous beings with the ability to walk and talk. Sorry but if Saturn ever got here, it would still be gaseous and you won’t get it to talk. Once a gas, always a gas.
Just like the Stones stated. After being raised by a toothless bearded hag, he was drowned and left for dead. Life is a gas. It’s a gas, gas, gas. So this is where we find the answers. The flowers have actually turned south, and I don't mean to lesser parts of the orb. Simply given way to the dandelions of the world. No longer will we stoop by the stoop to odouriferize over the petals.
Our blackberries are the size of a good man’s thumb, Verbena in a veritable variety of colour, but lowly Portulaca weeds pressing through the Portland. Summer arrived a coupla’ weeks ago and has been nothing more than looking for my lost shaker of salt, while I sit on my back porch swing. (stolen?) Tomate’s are red as the Rosetta stone and much more plentiful, bearing so many as to bend the bushes to the breaking point. Carrots are still sub-terestrially surging toward China.
The boat is going to be bountiful. Bobbing in the bay as we circumnavigate the island named after the big smoke. Out the western gate and back in the eastern passage. Sounds like we travel the world in a few hours. The lake is a large fountain with treasures abounding beneath, never to be reclaimed.
Who and what, all, have, and is beneath the waves. Certainly not Katrina. And the royal wave hasn’t graced this point for some time. Where are the marine goods and services resplendent at every port? No fish, no trawlers. No fans, no frolickers. Our waterfront is a contrived existence of a geographical place where to forms of matter meet. Oh yes there are boats and such, but true marine life? Shrimpers? No rusty old hulks still floating beyond belief. No smelly nets hanging from yardarms to dry.
I say make like the Cape, and Cod off.
Mark Hull Du Calumet, first of the coterie of York, Son of Don, Scion of Karl in the House of Pfunkstadt, Connubial of Suzanne, Yeoman to the Hun of Honda, Prevailing in the Seat of Hespeler.
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