With blends aplenty sheathing the shelves in options how does one choose the blend of many to accompany our cornucopia if courage? Will it be strong, dark, and handled? Or would I be smooth, thick, and pungent? Most would agree that the need for speed accelerates with the blend of choice.
My preference, and only for a blend, leans toward the Continental or French blends. While a day sip can be like a day bike unlike a day-bed, this can feature smooth Arabica beans roasted in the “Americano” formula without the E for exciting edge of the aforementioned.
But in such environs one must be like those in the house of Rome, make like Nero. With non-baking temps in the town, we sauntered and tarried as all would in the wending world of lower town. The entrance of many ajar to the world, eschewing difference and distinction for the masses.
Masses? How is it that with the sense of individualism, a case for culture and more legislation backing you than the second coming, that in this day your wares are so similar to those in other areas of the country? I can buy a Quebec widget here or return to my neighbourhood and buy the same one only with a locally proclaimed titular broadcast? Distinctiveness or Kitch?
With the tiniest of exceptions in some of the local artisans, we could have been in Airdrie. The self defined artist or artists of loci undetermined cannot be all that sets you apart. Yes the walls, vistas, and constructs of the old town are rare to find on this side of the Atlantic. But distinct? Hardly! Oh no, we don't parade our past politicians in name or statue nearly as much. We have fewer boulevardiers. Shorter distinctions for thoroughfares.
Perhaps they have more paint and metal for street signs. Quaint? Perhaps. Distinct? Not in this district. Enjoyable? Absolutely.
But to legislate compliance and conventions is unnecessary. What Englander would engulf the world too foreign to him to survive? None. Done. Dinner is over. Can we all just get along? There is no bicker from without. And no wicker on the streets. So how is it that the few and the statufied can push and pester the rest and resolved around? Get your acts and actuarials ducking a line. Define or demise. You cannot make a law of people's nature.
No nurturing of this cross contaminated culture will survive under the thumb of law. Promulgation of pushy puppies in your parliament cannot press forth the printing of your own money.
To name it as a nation without passport or coinage cannot make you one with the world.
Coffee comes forth when Levis are worn.
Mark Hull Du Calumet, first of the coterie of York, Son of Don, Scion of Karl in the House of Pfunkstadt, Connubial of Suzanne, Yeoman to the Hun of Honda, Prevailing in the Seat of Hespeler.
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